That's good news because most of the time we don't feel qualified, do we? Many times God calls us to do things that are beyond our natural ability. Moses was designed for destiny, but he didn't feel qualified. When God called him to go back to Egypt and lead the Israelites out of captivity, Moses said, God, who am I that I should go to Pharaoh and bring them out? And he gave God every excuse why he couldn't do it. He said, I can't talk. I stutter. But God wasn't concerned about any of his weaknesses. He said, You just tell them "I Am that I Am" has sent you!
God is saying the same thing to you today. He is saying, "Don't worry about what you don't have. Don't worry about what you aren't. I Am all you need! I Am your strength! I Am your protection! I Am your wisdom!"
God chooses us just the way we are—faults, weaknesses, and all—and then He begins to invest in us. He begins to prepare us for our destiny. Recognize that every season in your life is training ground for you. Every season has a purpose. You can't always see it, but God is adding to you. You are growing in your faith. God is molding you and preparing you for your destiny.

Joseph was designed for destiny. God gave him supernatural dreams concerning his future, but they didn't come to pass overnight. His brothers were bitter and jealous toward him and sold him into slavery. It looked like Joseph would never enter into his destiny, but God was preparing Joseph in every season of his life.

When he was working in Potipher's house as a slave, he learned to manage a household business. When he was thrown into prison, he got greater responsibility. This time he got to manage a group of hard core criminals! I'm sure Joseph was thinking, What's all this about? He didn't know it, but he was in training. God was preparing Joseph for promotion—and soon he was managing the whole nation of Egypt!

Not one day of Joseph's life was wasted! Just like Joseph, God is preparing you for your destiny.

By Lisa Comes


When Pandora's box was opened, all else went out but Hope stayed.

In our lives today, too many people need to know that all hope is not lost. They need to know that when they trust in God, he will do great things for their lives.

In Cameroon,many are losing hope. Many have forgotten that God is bigger than anything that may come against us. As God gives me strength and resources, i hope this blog will offer the much needed words of encouragement that we all need.

I will also be posting jobs from time to time so all may check in and know what's going on.

God bless you all